Thursday, April 28, 2016

final project

This is my original drawdel that I made when I was analyZing the site, I used this for inspiration when designing my building. The two main aspects that stuck out to me were the two axis lines which indicated two buildings and the shadows that were casting from the cut outs of the drawdel.

Above you can see the beginning sketches of these two buildings. I sketched out different ways that these buildings could be connecting or separating and I decided on having a main core in the middle of my two masses. Another aspect I kept in mind was the axis created from the library and the flower wall on the site I wanted to maintain the line that was created by these buildings. I also decided to have an elevated lobby area that would be lifted from the main ground plan. As I was developing this I wondered what could happen in this area and decided that I would go back to the shadow idea that was shown by my drawdel so I developed the model below to test this idea of the sun changing the pattern 













Wednesday, April 13, 2016


I have been thinking about having these diagonal tapering columns and then having a grid for beams and columns that will connect to this diagonal system.

Another type of system I have been thinking about is having thin columns frequently in a grid pattern, resembling something natural like the site I am in . I will try both systems and see which works best.



One of my filmic effects in drodel form

 Above is my drodel for the filmic effect shot reverse shot. In some of the avant-garde films use the shot reverse shot in the way that you are watching a character talk and then the screen switches to show you who she is looking at and it is the same actress in a different part of the film. I wanted to use the same type of effect in my theater area. These are the three points where you are able to see two theaters from the same position. The top theater I want you to be able to see people laughing or smiling and in the next look see a horror film or scary scene. The bottom right is the effect that I want you to be able to see the top of one person and the legs of another theater. The last effect on the bottom left would be people scared by the film and a calm scene in the other side.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

moving forward

 I started by planning out a section, so I could see how the levels would connect to the ground. 

In this section I was thinking about how I could Organize the library section. 


The floor plan I drew is above, I have realize I need to move the theater to the other side so that there is more room for the transition. I also found that I need to make the core larger and create a larger overlap that will be a clear connection.