Monday, February 1, 2016

Further Analysis of Rose Hobart

The creation of new space.

The realization that I have had while analyzing this film is that the clipping and changing of locations is purposeful. Joseph Cornell took a file with an actress he enjoyed, he found himself bored of the film and decided to change it. Cornell took pieces and mixed them together with other portions of the film. This is very similar to the style of his art work, he takes pieces and collages them together and creates a new meaning. After cutting together different portions of this film he created new spaces.

 These two clips are shown together which confuses the audience. Since it is the same woman in what appears to be the same room after the quick transition. They almost appear to be looking at each other. Cornell uses this trick multiple times within Rose Hobart, it almost appears that the actress is looking into the next screen and then there is a switch to a new location. This type of transition creates a thought that this is one space with the two woman in it together.

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