Friday, February 5, 2016

Reflection on Rose Hobart

For the analysis of Rose Hobart I took screenshots throughout the film and lined them up on my board. I found that when Joseph Cornell took the clips of the film and mixed them around he created a new story line and also new architectural spaces. From my screenshots I choose two scenes that were shown connected to each other to create a new space and then drew an axon to show that new space. In each drawing I outlined the figure that was Rose Hobart in red. Another important aspect I found within many of the clips was the door which contained a lot of ornament. This was a door that Cornell connected with many other scenes, as if there is always something different that this door leads to. Since there was a repetition of this door in many different axons I also outlined that in red. This can allow for another type of analysis of seeing where this door appears and how it relates to the other spaces made. It also allows for the analysis of when the woman is clipped into the same room, when she looks out of the scene and is shown then looking at herself in the next clip. 

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